
Self-Catering Accommodation in Paignton for Local Festivals
If you have booked your Self-Catering Accommodation in Paignton over the Bank Holiday weekend or longer there are some spectacular events taking place that you might not want to miss. These include the Torbay Thai Festival 2015, the Geo Park Open
Self-catering Holiday Accommodation for Paignton Regatta
If you are staying in self-catering Holiday Apartments in Paignton between the 8th and 15th August this year you’ll be in the right place, at the right time to enjoy a marvellous week of traditional British, seaside resort entertainment.  It’s
RTYC Channel Race and Offshore Week 2014
The RTYC Channel Race is taking place 04/07/2014 – 12/07/2014 Boats from the major South Devon yacht clubs take part in this series of races from Torquay. Built upon the lines of a flotilla event this race week has grown